Wednesday Sep 30, 2020
Knocking On Heaven's Door | John 10:9-10 | J. Allen Mashburn
Wednesday Sep 30, 2020
Wednesday Sep 30, 2020
Imagine yourself following a long never-ending wall. You are on the outside of that wall and you can here what is going on inside. You can hear happy people. Some are laughing, some are shouting for joy, but all of them are very happy. More than anything, you want to get in there where they are and see what it is they are so happy about. As you continue to follow this wall, eventually, you find yourself at a door. This door is unlocked. All you have to do is go through it and you will be admitted to the place where all those happy people are. What would you do when you reached that door?
You may say, "Preacher, that’s a foolish way to start a message!" Maybe so, but have you noticed that millions of people all around us seem to be searching for something? I remember the days before I got saved. I was around Christians who were excited and happy. All I knew was that I was miserable and that I wanted just a little of what those people had in their lives. So, I spent a lot of time following this imaginary wall, hearing their happiness and wanting to get in there where they were. Then one day, I came face to face with the Door. When I did, I had a decision to make. I could either go in and be with the others, or I could go on searching and remain outside. I’ll tell you, that when I came to that Door, I wanted in so bad that I wasn’t about to walk away. When I entered the Door, I was forever saved and I knew what all the excitement was about.
Now, it may be that some here today are still wandering around outside that wall looking for the Door. Well, I have come this way today to tell you where to find Him. Before you leave here this morning, you will have the opportunity to come through that Door and enter into that place of happiness that every child of God enjoys.
In these 2 verses, Jesus reveals plainly who, what and where the Door is and He tells us who can come in. Let’s look at these verses today and think together on the thought, "Knocking On Heaven’s Door."
Tuesday Sep 29, 2020
Where the Law Fails, Faith Prevails | Romans 4:13-17 | J. Allen Mashburn
Tuesday Sep 29, 2020
Tuesday Sep 29, 2020
As we continue to move through this fourth chapter of Romans, we have been challenged by the life of Abraham. He was a man who was highly revered by the Jews of Paul's day, and Paul appealed to Abraham's life to teach his readers that salvation was purely the work of God. He has already taught us that works cannot save, v. 1-8; then he showed us that circumcision could not save the soul, v. 9-12. In these verses, Paul is going to reveal to us the truth that keeping the Law cannot save the soul either.
Sadly, many in our day seem to think that salvation works according to that principle. Many believe that if they do all the good things and avoid the bad things, then God is obligated to let them into Heaven when they die. My friends, if you believe that, you are guilty of believing false doctrine! The truth of the matter is this: nothing you do can save your soul! It is not, nor has it ever been, about what you do. Salvation has always rested on Who you know!
Wednesday Sep 23, 2020
Constructing & Contending | Jude 24-25 | J. Allen Mashburn
Wednesday Sep 23, 2020
Wednesday Sep 23, 2020
The book of Jude begins with the appeal to "earnestly contend for the faith." Prior to verse 20 Jude had been focusing attention upon false prophets who had defected from the faith. For the most part, in the previous verses, he has been directing the believers attention to evil others. Now he directs them to look within themselves. He says, "but you…."
What about you?
What is the state of your soul?
While contending for the faith what are you doing to strengthen yourself in the faith?
There are people who are so busy ferreting out heresy and hunting heretics that they have neglected to keep themselves in the love of God.
The counterpart of contending for the faith is constructing upon the faith. We are to be building at the same time we are battling. To contend without constructing or to construct without contending is an imbalance. We must do both. If the warrior is weak the war will be lost!
Therefore Jude concludes his little letter by saying, "But you, beloved, building your selves up on your most holy faith…."
Sunday Sep 20, 2020
How Righteousness is Obtained | Romans 4:9-12 | J. Allen Mashburn
Sunday Sep 20, 2020
Sunday Sep 20, 2020
There is much confusion in the world surrounding the matter of salvation and getting right with God. I find this amazing since the Bible is crystal clear in this area. However, there are groups that say baptism is a requirement for salvation. Others tell us that we must belong to their denomination or group if we hope to be save. Still others claim that we must keep certain sacraments, or holy ordinances, if we expect to get to Heaven. If you listen to every voice out there, you would be in a terrible fix and would never know where you stood with God. All you would know is that no matter what you did, it was never enough.
This seems to be the attitude Paul is attempting combat in this chapter of Romans. He has just told the Jews that getting right with God is simply a matter of faith. He tells them that salvation does not rest in one's obedience to the Law. Neither does it rely on one's good works. He tells us that such blessings as justification, righteousness, salvation, forgiveness, etc., are all given to us free and clear when we trust Christ as our personal Savior.
After telling the Jews that the Law cannot save and that works won't work either, he proceeds to tell them that circumcision also will not get them to Heaven. Well, if the Law, our works and circumcision won't help us to get right with God, then what will? That is the question Paul answers in these verses this evening.
Let's study together about How Righteousness Is Obtained.
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Wednesday Sep 16, 2020
Future Prophetic Events | Matt. 24 continued | J. Allen Mashburn
Wednesday Sep 16, 2020
Wednesday Sep 16, 2020
We continue in Matthew 24 and explore the events that are yet future. Join us in this great study discussion. Jesus is coming soon, and He has plans for the Church, the Jewish people, and a one thousand year plan of peace!
Join Pastor as he expounds to us the Word of God concerning the future.
Sunday Sep 13, 2020
The Faith of Abraham | Romans 4:1-8 | J. Allen Mashburn
Sunday Sep 13, 2020
Sunday Sep 13, 2020
Paul has just finished nailing shut the lid on the coffin of the Law. He has told us in no uncertain terms that the Law cannot save, and that salvation comes only through faith in the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. You and I believe this truth and we rejoice in it. In fact, I still haven't fully recovered from the message last Sunday evening. What a blessing it is to be able to deal with concepts like justification, redemption, propitiation, remission of sins, forgiveness of sins and the grace of God.
Unfortunately, not every one believes the cardinal doctrines of the faith. Many of the people who would read Paul's letter to the Romans would not accept these things as fact. Therefore, Paul calls a witness to the stand as he continues to defend his message of salvation by grace through faith.
Paul's witness is none other than Abraham, v. 1. This man is revered by over one-half the world's population. In our day, Abraham is held in high esteem by Jews, Muslims and Christians. In Paul's day, many people, but especially the Jews, considered Abraham almost worthy of their worship. So, if Paul were going to appeal to anyone person to support his case, it would be Abraham.
Since Paul felt lead to use Abraham as an example of a one who lived by faith, it is only appropriate that we take the time to consider this fact as well. Therefore, as we have the opportunity this evening, let's look into these eight verses and witness firsthand The Faith Of Abraham. As we do, check up on your own faith! Be sure that your's is a salvation that is based entirely in faith, because anything less is not salvation at all, but is at best deception and at worse damnation.
Let's notice the Faith of Abraham.
Wednesday Sep 09, 2020
The Time of Jacob's Trouble | Matt. 24 | J. Allen Mashburn
Wednesday Sep 09, 2020
Wednesday Sep 09, 2020
Matthew 24 has been used, abused, and misconstrued to teach many dynamics of the Lord's return. Join Pastor Mashburn as he looks at this mysterious chapter in light of current events.
Learn more about our ministry at gospeldynamite.org.
Monday Sep 07, 2020
The New Man in My Mirror | Romans 3:19-31 | J. Allen Mashburn
Monday Sep 07, 2020
Monday Sep 07, 2020
The Old Gray Mare…….I am not sure if it a line, or if it is just a chorus, but a portions of that song says, "The old gray mare, she ain't what she used to be." Well, my friends, if you are saved this evening the very same things can be said about you, 1 Cor. 5:17!
Last time we studied verses 9-18 and found that man is a totally depraved creature. There is absolutely no good in him at all! Everything he touches is tarnished by the sin that fills his being and he is wretched in the sight of God. The last time we were together, we were talking about the Man In Our Mirror. Well, as the text continues to unfold before us, Paul continues his line of thinking, but he shifts directions on us. He gives us a concluding thought concerning the old man and he begins to talk about that new creature that Jesus makes when He saves the sinner. It is that new, saved fellow that we want to consider this evening. So, with that in mind, let's consider this passage and think for a while about The New Man In My Mirror.
As we will see, he ain't what he used to be!