Monday Aug 31, 2020
The Man in My Mirror | Romans 3 | J. Allen Mashburn
Monday Aug 31, 2020
Monday Aug 31, 2020
Most of us have an image of ourselves that is somewhat different from reality. We may feel that we are fatter or thinner than we really are. Others may believe that they are smarter, or perhaps even dumber than they really are. This same deceptive self-image slips into our view of our spiritual selves as well. Most, if not all of us, believe that we are basically good people. We want to think that we are in good shape spiritually. This isn't just a situation that is true among members of the church, but nearly every person who exists around us has the idea that all is well within his or her heart. Sadly, this is simply not the truth!
These verses tell us all about the man in our mirror. Everyday, we look at a person in the mirror who is nothing like we think he is. This passage reveals the truth that we are nothing more than sinners in the eyes of the Lord. You see, Paul has just told his readers that the immoral as well as the moral pagan are condemned before the Lord. Then, he tells them that the moral and the immoral Jew stand condemned as well. Now, he is telling them that every man, no matter who he is, is a sinner in the sight of God!
Folks, that is a hard pill for many people to swallow! Yet, understanding that truth is the first step in coming to God for salvation.
Today, I would like to look at these verses and tell you about the man in my mirror.
Monday Aug 24, 2020
Ye Are The Salt of the Earth | Matthew 5:13 | J. Allen Mashburn
Monday Aug 24, 2020
Monday Aug 24, 2020
When Jesus gives us the name of "salt", He is reminding us that we have the opportunity and the responsibility to be an influence in the world. It is interesting that these verses should follow the Beatitudes, for in them Jesus gives some qualities that ought to be present in every citizen in the Kingdom. When we are possessed of these characteristics, we will be a positive influence and we will make a difference in the world around us.
When we are living out the standards of the Lord Jesus in our lives, we will be like salt and like light. Now, light is an external quality that enables one to see. Just as a glistening, limestone city sitting high on a hillside cannot be hidden for the light coming from its walls, so the Christian who shines with the brilliance of the Lord Jesus cannot be hidden from the view of the world. In other words, your testimony will get out on you. Those around you will see it and be touched by it.
I would like to zero in on the idea of our being called "salt." In this one verse, Jesus makes three statements that need to be considered and understood by every child of God this evening. Let's take the time to look together at them as we consider the thought Ye Are The Salt Of The Earth.
Sunday Aug 23, 2020
Objections That Demand Answers | Romans 2 | J. Allen Mashburn
Sunday Aug 23, 2020
Sunday Aug 23, 2020
In the concluding verses of the last chapter, Paul tells his Jewish readers that they, like all other men, are sinners in the sight of God. He reminds them that what they need is not the outward expression of religion, but an inward work of grace that converts the soul and makes the sinner right with God. These verses are a logical continuation of the thoughts mentioned in chapter 2. We must remember that Paul was a traveling evangelist-missionary.
In nearly every city he visited, he went to the Jewish synagogue and shared the message of salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ. In doing so, Paul surely must have encountered many arguments to his message. It would seem that these verses which we have read this evening give us four of those arguments. Paul is asking and answering questions that the Jews, themselves, were asking. They were raising objections to the message of salvation "by grace through faith," and these objections needed to be answered.
Many in our day, and even some in the church are asking essentially the same questions! I believe that these verses hold the answers they, and maybe even some of you, seek this today.
Friday Aug 21, 2020
Pray for Our President | A Message from Dr. Clarence Sexton
Friday Aug 21, 2020
Friday Aug 21, 2020
Dr. Clarence Sexton, pastor of Temple Baptist Church and Founder/President of Crown College in Powell, TN., admonishes us to pray for our President and our Country.
Listen to Dr. Sexton, as he shares his thoughts from a pastor's heart.
Sunday Aug 16, 2020
God's Judgment of the Religious Man | Rom. 2:17-29 | J. Allen Mashburn
Sunday Aug 16, 2020
Sunday Aug 16, 2020
As we have journeyed through the first 2 chapters of this great book, we have spent a considerable amount of time discussing the wrath of God. We have come to understand the reasons why God is angry with sin, and we have come to understand that there are some groups of people against whom God has committed Himself to act in wrath. In chapter 1, verses 24-32, we saw that God will judge the sinner. Chapter 2, verses 1-16 tells of God's wrath against the hypocrite. These verses, tell about God's Judgment Of The Religious Man.
Many people believe that being religious is a good thing. However, those same people fail to realize that religion will send you straight to Hell! These verse will teach us that it is not what we do externally that saves our souls, but it is what happens internally that determines where we will spend eternity. As we finish these last verse of chapter 2, let's look at them very carefully. While the Lord is speaking directly to the Jewish people and their boast in the Law, He could just as well be speaking to us today!
We need to know that Hell will be just as filled with the religious as it will be with the rank sinner. These verses tell us why! Let's spend some time looking at God's Judgment Of The Religious Man.
Sunday Aug 09, 2020
God's Judgment of the Hypocrite | Romans 2 | J. Allen Mashburn
Sunday Aug 09, 2020
Sunday Aug 09, 2020
In the last few messages, we have been considering the wrath of Almighty God. As we saw last week, there are multitudes that choose lives of rebellion and disobedience against God, and these people will be held accountable and will feel the full fury of God's wrath against their sin. However, there are just as many others who live moral lives. These are people who are outwardly clean and upright, but who are inwardly just as wicked as their evil counterparts.
In the verses that I have read this evening, Paul turns the spotlight of the Word of God on those who are what we might call hypocrites. That is, they are people who would condemn the actions listed in the latter part of chapter 1, but who have no intention of getting right with God themselves. These people look right outwardly, but inwardly, they are guilty of many of the same sins of the wicked mentioned in chapter 1.
In these verses, the Apostle Paul tells us something about the impending judgment of God against sin. In doing so, he helps to understand just what the judgment of God is about, who will be affected by it and what the results will be. Therefore, let's look into these verses this evening and learn more about the character of God's judgment.
There are three truths revealed in this passage that will teach us much about the judgment of God in the life of the hypocrite.
Saturday Aug 01, 2020
The Results of Rebellion Against God | J. Allen Mashburn
Saturday Aug 01, 2020
Saturday Aug 01, 2020
We are still dealing with the theme of God's divine wrath against sin. In this passage, we fin the results of man's rebellion against God told in clear, precise language.
I would like to call you attention to three terms that are used in our text; they are: "God also gave them up", v. 24; "God gave them up", v. 26; and "God gave them over", v.28. These phrases tell us that there is a limit to the patience and long-suffering of God. As we study these verses, it will become apparent that when man makes his choice to abandon God, God will also choose to abandon man! That is a sobering thought!
We are surrounded by millions of people who have been abandoned to the lifestyle they have chosen over God. These people are capable of any sin imaginable this evening. The truth is, there are people we all know who are living a life that exists under the shadow of that is the result of their abandonment of God and of His subsequent abandonment of them.
With that in mind, let's look into these sobering verses and try to learn a little more about The Results Of Man's Rebellion.
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Sunday Jul 26, 2020
Reasons for God's Wrath | Allen Mashburn
Sunday Jul 26, 2020
Sunday Jul 26, 2020
The wrath of God is a proven fact! In fact, the Bible doesn't seek to prove it, it is merely stated as being a reality. God is a God of love, but at the same time, He is a God of intense wrath! His wrath is revealed in the world today and will be experienced, in eternity, by every person who leaves this world without a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.
Some may wonder why God even possesses wrath as a part of His nature. The answer to that question is found in these verses. God tells us in the clearest of words why His wrath is kindled against the children of this world.
Let's look into this passage together and notice these 4 reason that are given for the wrath of God.