Sunday Feb 26, 2023
The Lord Was With Joseph | Genesis 37:36; 39:1-6 | J. Allen Mashburn
Sunday Feb 26, 2023
Sunday Feb 26, 2023
Joseph has been betrayed by his own brothers and sold as a slave. Joseph had been sold to some Ishmaelite merchants for less than $100.00. His brothers sold him for the price of a crippled slave! The Ishmaelites took Joseph to Egypt and put him up for sale in that land.
Try to put yourself in Joseph’s shoes for a moment. You are seventeen years old. You are the favored son in a family of twelve sons. Your father had chosen you to be the head of the family and he had given you a beautiful robe to symbolize this fact. You are on the path to power, influence and prominence in your family.
Then, in a moment of time, everything is gone. You are stripped of your coat. You are betrayed by people who should have loved you. You are separated from your father. You are sold as a slave and carried off into a strange land. Imagine the humility of being examined and sold in a slave auction. Imagine the lies Satan must have told him.
In many ways, you are just a simple country boy from an unsophisticated family, and you find yourself transported to the capital city of the most advanced nation on the earth.
Imagine how Joseph must have felt as the camels crested the last hill and the wonders of ancient Egypt spread out before him on the planes of Giza. The great pyramids would have been standing in Joseph’s day. In fact, they would have been over a thousand years old when his great-grandfather Abraham visited that land many years before. Joseph would have seen the Sphinx, the great Egyptian temples and the opulent palaces of the Pharaoh and his people. It must have been a great culture shock to this young man from the country.
On the surface it seemed that circumstances could not have been worse for young Joseph. In truth, those difficult days were mere stepping stones along the path to greater glory.
Sunday Feb 19, 2023
Surviving Giant Country | I Samuel 17:32-40 | J. Allen Mashburn
Sunday Feb 19, 2023
Sunday Feb 19, 2023
Part of God’s training plan for David involved God placing the young man in some difficult situations. In those difficult times, David learned to trust the Lord and walk in the power of God, not the power of the flesh. David learned the lessons necessary to survive life, and not just to survive, but to thrive in life. We see David in one of the most desperate times of his life in these verses. Here, David trusts God for some big things, and in return, he sees God do the miraculous.
Sunday Feb 12, 2023
The Abode of the Damned | Luke 16| J. Allen Mashburn
Sunday Feb 12, 2023
Sunday Feb 12, 2023
The mention of Hell elicits many different reactions. Some people react with concern and are moved to share Jesus with the lost. Others react with fear and come to Jesus seeking salvation for their own souls. Still others react with hate and revulsion and say that it is not a proper topic for conversation. Some would even seek to deny the existence of Hell. Yet God and Jesus declare Hell to be a very real place, (Psa. 9:17). Of the 162 references to Hell in the New Testament, 70 come from Jesus Himself.
Sunday Feb 05, 2023
Caleb’s Confidence | Joshua 14:6-15 | J. Allen Mashburn
Sunday Feb 05, 2023
Sunday Feb 05, 2023
This passage centers on a man called Caleb. Caleb was a part of Israel when they left Egypt. He was there when God divided the waters of the Red Sea. By the way - Israel crossing the Red Sea is a picture of Salvation. Free from bondage and free from Pharaoh. Observing Israel as they journey through the wilderness shows us there is much more to salvation than just being set free. God had a land flowing with milk and honey prepared for them. It would be a land of giants and a land of battles, but it was theirs if they wanted it. Now, as you know - Israel chose to wander in the wilderness. Here's another great picture of the Christian life.
God saves us, and promises us that we can have a life of victory and intense spiritual joy, but rather than claim what is rightfully ours - things like peace, joy, fellowship, power, and the glory of God, we choose to live in a spiritual wilderness, defeated and depressed.
Sunday Jan 29, 2023
Our Battle with Life’s Strongholds | Joshua 6:1-5 | J. Allen Mashburn
Sunday Jan 29, 2023
Sunday Jan 29, 2023
The ancient city of Jericho was a great walled city. History tells us that it was surrounded by 2 massive stone walls. The outer wall was 6 feet thick and 20 feet high. The inner wall was 12 feet thick and 30 feet high. There was a 15 foot guarded walkway between these two walls. From a military standpoint, it was practically impenetrable. This great walled city stood as an obstacle between the people of Israel and them claiming all that God had for them. Before they could go deeper into the land of Canaan, Jericho had to fall first.
For us, this ancient city represents those things that are entrenched and rooted in our lives that prevent us from going on with God. Oh, we all have them!
Regardless of how pious you may want to think you are, there are things embedded in your life that hinder your walk with God. It may be some besetting sin that prevents you from going deep in the things of God. It may a root of bitterness and unforgiveness that stands between you and God's best. It may be some old, bad attitude that is holding you back.
It could be something from your past that you continue to struggle with to this day. Whatever it is, it is a stronghold in your life and it stands between you and God's best for your life. Before you will ever receive all God has for you, that stronghold must be torn down!
In this page from Israel's history, we uncover some truths that help us as we fight the battle against our own strongholds in our day.
Sunday Jan 22, 2023
The Leader Meets the Lord | Joshua 5:13-15 | J. Allen Mashburn
Sunday Jan 22, 2023
Sunday Jan 22, 2023
Many in our day do not remember the name of the fame of Sergeant Alvin C. York was the most famous soldier of World War I. Many people do not know that Alvin York single-handedly captured 132 German soldiers one day in France. York was the recipient of many great honors from several nations for his bravery in combat.
However, Alvin C. York was a most unlikely man to become a legendary hero. York felt that his Christian faith barred him from killing anyone, even in war. After being drafted, York made it known that he was a conscientious objector; that he would not be able to kill other men.
He was sent home on a ten-day leave to think about his situation and to consider the scriptures a Christian captain had shared with him. York was promised that he would be dismissed from the Army if he still felt the same way when he returned.
Finally in a crisis of faith, God showed York that he could obey God and defend the helpless in Europe at the same time. He wrote, “As I prayed there alone… I knew that He was there. He understood I didn’t want to be a fighter or a killing man… He took pity on me and gave me the assurance I needed… It was His will and that was enough for me.” Sgt. York had to win the war in his mind before he could win the battles that lay ahead of him in the trenches of France.
Alvin York had to yield to the Lordship of God in his life before he would ever become a great war hero. The same truth is seen in this passage. Israel is about to attack the city of Jericho. Before that battle, the leader of Israel, Joshua, goes out to inspect the site of the coming battle. On that important day, Joshua came face to face with the real leader of Israel. He had an encounter with One Who was far more powerful than he was.
That day, outside the walled city of Jericho, The Leader Meets The Lord. When he did, Joshua was humbled, but he was also prepared for the battle that lay ahead. Let’s look in on this special encounter between The Leader And The Lord.
Sunday Jan 15, 2023
Ready to Conquer Your Canaan? | Joshua 5:1-13 | J. Allen Mashburn
Sunday Jan 15, 2023
Sunday Jan 15, 2023
Verse 1 tells us that the heathen nations in Canaan saw the powerful manner in which the Lord brought His children through the Jordan and that they were totally demoralized by these events. It would seem that they were absolutely resigned to their fate. It would appear that this would be the perfect time for Joshua to lead the people forward into the attack. However, instead of commanding His people to go forward into the battle, God commands them to remain at Gilgal and to do several things that, on the surface, appear very strange. It even appears that the things they are required to do puts them at risk before their enemies.
While the ways of the Lord may appear strange to you and me, let me remind you that the ways of the Lord are not our ways, Isa. 55:8-9. You see, God never gets in a hurry! He has the liberty to take His time and do things on His schedule. While the things that happen in this chapter appear strange against the backdrop of impending battle, the truth of the matter is God is simply preparing His army to fight. He has them do some things that may appear odd when preparing for the battle, but may I remind you that God's people are engaged in battles that go far deeper than the physical realm? In fact, before the battle ever begins in the physical realm, it had already begun in the spiritual realm. God's battle are spiritual battles. If we expect to fight in these battles and do well, then we must make the right kind of spiritual preparations, 2 Cor. 10:3-5. That is what the Lord is doing right here in the life of His people Israel. It is also what He wants to do in your life and mine this morning.
You see, we all have battle to fight, and if we expect to overcome and achieve the victory, then we must learn to make the right kind of spiritual preparations.
Israel appeared ready for the battle. They possessed a large army and they faced an enemy that was terrified at their presence. However, God knew that they would never be ready to fight and win the battle until the proper spiritual preparations had been made. That is what this passage is all about. The lessons taught here can help us this morning.
Sunday Jan 08, 2023
This is Our Land | Joshua 1:1-9 | J. Allen Mashburn
Sunday Jan 08, 2023
Sunday Jan 08, 2023
In our day, there are many misunderstandings surrounding the Christian life. A trip to the local Bible book store confirms this accusation. After all, the shelves are lined with books that talk about how to make the Christian life easier and more acceptable to the world. However, the truth of the matter is that we are not out for a day in the park! This thing that we got into when we were saved is a battle! We are engaged in warfare with a spiritual enemy who is far more powerful than we are, Eph. 6:12. In our own strength, we are no match for the devil! The good new is, he is nowhere near as powerful as our God, 1 John 4:4!
Therefore, in the midst of the battles, there is always hope for victory, Rom. 8:31, 37. In fact, the Bible tells us that we are the recipients of victory through the Lord Jesus Christ, 1 Cor. 15:57.
While we are engaged in the battle with evil, there is the expectation that we can and will walk in victory in our lives. For me, this is what the book of Joshua represents.
In this book, we find that Moses, the great leader of Israel has died and a new leader named Joshua has been appointed to lead the nation of Israel into Canaan. After 40 years of wandering in the wilderness, Israel is about to take possession of the land which God promised Abraham centuries earlier, Gen. 12:7. This book is about the battles Israel faced in order to claim that promise from God.
Joshua is a book of warfare, suffering and great victories. It is a book that can teach the modern Christian much about obtaining spiritual victory in your life. You see, we sing songs about Canaanland and often we have the idea that Canaan refers to Heaven. Nothing could be farther from the truth. When we get to Heaven, there will be no more wars, there will be no more enemies, there will be no more suffering or death, there will be no more sin. All of these are present in the book of Joshua and are dealt with in its pages.
No, Canaan isn't Heaven, but it is a picture of the life of victory that is available to every child of God this morning!